60000T per year small pig feed and 600000T per year fattening pig feed production line

Definition of baby pig and normal fattening pig:
different with the piglet feed, baby pig feed refers to the feed from 2weeks after weaning to before fattening(about 70days-age), the baby pig grow fast, Irritability is strong in this period, the quality of feed directly effect the grow speed and disease resistance after fattening. Normal fattening pig feed use standard formula which need good palatability, high feed conversion ratio, and meet the feeding requirement of fattening pig
raw material:
maize, (extruded maize, extruded soybean , extruded soybean meal--used for baby pig), fish meal, Limestone, whey powder , fat, bone and meat meal, salt, premix and etc.,

Flow process introduction
Due to the large production capacity of this project, and the feed is mainly used for own farm, labor-saving automation equipment is adopted as far as possible. Main raw materials are stored in silo, the rest of the raw materials are fed manually by forklift through the intake in warehouse, the production process is controlled by central centralized control room, and the finished products use both automatic packaging line and bulk line. Among them, the production lines of high-grade baby pig feed and fattening pig feed are built in the same workshop. Except for the common raw material silos and bulk FP silo, the other equipment and operations are completely independent.
9-6000T raw material silo are used for maize storage, it is bolt silo which model is ¢22m×20.16m, flat bottom basement with sweep auger, the total power of machine is 930kW
36-200T bulk silos are used for finished pellets storage, bolt silo with model ¢6.4m×8.96m, supported by large steel structure platform, all steel cone discharging with truck loading on the bottom.
The total area of RM silo and bulk silo is 115×85×24.5m, the silo area is separated from production area with reasonable layout.
High grade baby pig feed production has following characteristics: fine grinded particles(the hole diameter of screen should be 1-2mm), high requirement for curing (first pellet mill use double conditioner and reteiner), low conditioning temperature(adopt second pelletize in low temperature to reduce inactivation of heat sensitive materials), small diameter for finished pellet (the diameter around 2-3mm). The 60000T per year small pig feed production line has two grinding line, one batching and mixing only line, one pelleting only line , second mixing line, second double pelletizing line and a automatic bagging line. The total power will be 930KW.
Normal fattening pig feed production has following characteristics: moderate grinded particles(the hole diameter of screen should be 2-4mm), moderate requirement for curing (pellet mill use double conditioner), large diameter for finished pellet (the diameter around 2.5-4mm). The 600000T per year fattening pig feed production line has four grinding line, two batching and mixing line, four pelleting line and four automatic bagging line and bulk line. The total power will be 2870KW.
The workshop construction area(two line is built is same workshop) is about 30×27.5×31.5m with 8T boiler(for whole line). The whole line is characterized by compact design and reasonable structure, and the satisfaction of environment protection requirements, meanwhile it can be directed to customers design.

Technological process chart:
RM silo process
loading system-cleaning system-silo storage system-silo changing system-discharging system
baby pig feed production process:
RM from silo --RM receiving and cleaning process--- first grinding process--- first batching and mixing process--first granulation process--second mixing process--hypothermia pelleting process-bagging process/bulk process
Fattening pig feed production process
RM from silo --RM receiving and cleaning process--- grinding process--- batching and mixing process-- granulation process-- bagging process/bulk process

Technological characteristics and introductions:
RM silo process
RM silo loading system: consider the large storage capacity (54000T), quick unloading(the general inlet speed 400TPH), so we use double unloading system so as to loading by two trucks at same time. the grizzly can carry the truck, two sided of dumping hoper is equipped with de-dusting system to improve the working condition.
RM silo cleaning system: Cleaning is playing a role to remove the impurities from raw material, including large impurities , nonmagnetic impurity like rope, clod and corn cob, and magnetic impurity like iron nails. It will ensure the quality of products and safety of following processing machine.
cleaning equipment :double drum cleaner TCQY125×520, output 200t/h
RM silo storage system: inlet capacity is 200TPH, there is temperature measuring and ventilation system inside the silo which could control the grain condition.
conveying equipment bucket elevator TDTG80/46 with output 200t/h, chain conveyor TGSS50 with output 200t/h
RM silo changing system: adopt heavy dual direction belt conveyor under the silo to save power which can achieve silo changing and silo discharging.
conveying equipment: heavy dual direction belt conveyor TDSZ-V600 with output 100t/h.
RM silo discharging system: adopt heavy belt conveyor under the silo to save power which can achieve silo changing and silo discharging.
conveying equipment: heavy belt conveyor TDSZ-V600 with output 100t/h. chain conveyor TGSS32 with output 100t/h
baby pig feed production line
RM receiving and cleaning process: In this process, the clean system for granule receiving and cleaning is separated from powder receiving and cleaning, dust collection are individual which is with the better effects.
cleaner: double drum cleaner TCQY100×220(used for remove broken maize in baby pig feed line), output 20-30t/h, powder cleaner SQLZ60×50×100, output 10-15t/h.
grinding process: 2set of hammer mill is adopt in this process, 2 grindings bins are equipped for each hammer mill to crush different raw material at same time ; The impurities could be removed from raw material by magnetic separation equipment before grinding bins to ensure the safe running of hammer mill.
Grinding equipment(2sets): hammer mill SFSP668×800, 110KW, output 8-11t/h(fine grinding)
Batching and mixing process: in this process, we use 12pcs batching bins, two batching scale work at same time which is controlled by FDSP developed independently batching program, achieve accurate quick and slow feeding, quick batching and with high accuracy.
Weighing equipment: batching scale PCS10 /PCS05, weighing accuracy: dynamic≤3‰, static≤1‰.
Mixing equipment: mixer SLHY2.5, (18.5KW,1000kg/batch), designed output 10-13t/h/set, homogeneity CV≤7%.
first granulation process: the biggest advantage of this process is comprehensive nutrition, less loss of heat-sensitive raw materials, high starch gelatinization, high digestibility of piglets after feeding, and convenient formula adjustment improve the effectiveness of production and application of high-grade pig feed
first pelleting equipment: SZLH420,110KW with capacity 6-8t/h(¢2.5mm baby pig feed), with double conditioner and one reteiner
second mixing process: this process is used to mix the crushed material after first pelleting and other formulas, 6batching bins, one mixer is equipped and manual adding hopper is added extra(including heat sensitive material).
Weighing equipment: batching scale PCS10, weighing accuracy: dynamic≤3‰, static≤1‰.
Mixing equipment: single shaft mixer SDHJ.2, (18.5KW,1000kg/batch), designed output 10-15t/h/set, homogeneity CV≤5%.
Granulation process: two set single conditioner pellet mill is used in this process. Two pellet bins are equipped for each pellet mill which is easy to change the formula. For fattening pig feed line, four set double conditioner pellet mill is used, 2 pellet bins are equipped for each pellet mill which is easy to change the formula. After granulation, the pellets enter into the cooler ,bucket elevator and then go to screening by rotary screener. The finished products go to the packing bins, others go back to the pellet mill other received by bags.
Granulation equipment(2sets): :SZLH420, 110KW,output 6-8T/H(single conditioner). Cooling equipment(2sets):SKLN6, 1.1+1.5KW, volume 6m3, output 10-15T/H/set.
Packing process: there are 2 FP bins in this process. 1 of them only used for pellet finished products storage, another bin can store both mesh feed and pellet feed. There is special anti-grading device for mesh feed bins.
Packing equipment: belt packing scale(both for mesh feed and pellet feed), weighing rage 20-50kg/bag, 6-8bags /min. We can also design automatic stacking system for customer's need.

fattening pig feed production line
RM receiving and cleaning process: In this process, the clean system for granule receiving and cleaning is separated from powder receiving and cleaning, dust collection are individual which is with the better effects.
cleaner: double drum cleaner SCY100 output 30-50t/h, powder cleaner SQLZ90×80×110, output 30-50t/h.
grinding process: 4set of hammer mill is adopt in this process, 2 grindings bins are equipped for each hammer mill to crush different raw material at same time ; The impurities could be removed from raw material by magnetic separation equipment before grinding bins to ensure the safe running of hammer mill.
Grinding equipment(4sets): hammer mill SFSP668×1200, 200KW, output 25-30t/h
Batching and mixing process: in this process, we use 40pcs batching bins, 4 of them are sharing bins. two set of batching and mixing system. For each system two batching scale work at same time which is controlled by FDSP developed independently batching program, achieve accurate quick and slow feeding, quick batching and with high accuracy.
Weighing equipment: batching scale PCS40 /PCS20, weighing accuracy: dynamic≤3‰, static≤1‰.
Mixing equipment(2sets): mixer SHSJ.8, (55KW,4000kg/batch), designed output 40-60t/h/set, homogeneity CV≤5%.
Granulation process: four set double conditioner pellet mill is used, 2 pellet bins are equipped for each pellet mill which is easy to change the formula. After granulation, the pellets enter into the cooler ,bucket elevator and then go to screening by rotary screener. The finished products go to the packing bins, others go back to the pellet mill other received by bags.
Granulation equipment(4sets): :SZLH768, 280KW,output 28-30T/H(double conditioner). Cooling equipment(4sets):SKLN12, 1.5+0.75+2.2KW, volume 12m3, output 30-35T/H/set.
Packing process: there are 8 FP bins in this process. 6 of them only used for pellet finished products storage, another 2 bin can store both mesh feed and pellet feed. There is special anti-grading device for mesh feed bins. The pellet feed and mesh feed will be weighed and packed finally by packing scale. some part of final products are designed in bulk.
Packing equipment: belt packing scale(both for mesh feed and pellet feed), weighing rage 20-50kg/bag, 6-8bags /min. We can also design automatic stacking system for customer's need.
FP bulk discharging system:
Finished product bulk distribution process: two production lines share the bulk distribution system, 36-200T finished product bulk silo: the material inside the steel silo is mainly pig pellet feed, bolt silo with ¢6.4m×8.96m, supported by large steel structure platform, discharge by all steel cone,bulk packing truck go through under the silo, the dust collection system is also equipped.
auxiliary process: dust collection system, the dust collection on packing position can improve the work condition, the oil adding system is usually seen in the mixer adding system which can improve the feed palatability
The process can be optimized according to different customer needs:
1. Single point dust collection mode is used in the plan which means pulse filter is equipped for every rotary distributor(mesh) and granule cleaner with good effect. Single point dust collection is kind of humanized design of our company, to provide a better working environment, but the cost increases, customers can consider whether it is needed in actual situation;
2. The quantity of bins can be adjusted to achieve the beast use ratio and effectively control the production cost based on factors such as customers' formula, characteristics of raw materials.
3. full automatic stacking machine could save labor and improve the working efficiency, customer could choose as optional.
4. the dust collection for packing system could improve the working condition, customer could choose as optional.
5.Bulk bins could be optional based on the final products, the quantity and capacity all can be adjusted.

About us
Jiangsu Liangyou Zhengda Co., Ltd is specialized in manufacturing feed machinery and engineering, we can offer customer complete machine solutions for livestock feed(pig and others) , poultry feed(chicken, duck, goose and others), ruminant feed(cattle, sheep and others), normal aqua feed(four major Chinese carps), special aqua feed(shrimp, crab and others), extruding aqua feed(floating and sinking fish feed, shrimp and others), premix feed(including various additives), pet food(cat food, dog food and others), we can meet customers' kinds of needs.