Councillors in South Zone have asked for penal action against persons who rear pigs causing nuisance to residents. They raised the issue at the Zone meeting held on Friday, said a release from the civic body.
While asking for impounding the pigs and slapping fine on pig growers, the cou
DRIFTLESS - About 65 citizens attended the unveiling of final results of the Southwest Wisconsin Groundwater and Geology study (SWIGG) in Lancaster on Monday, May 16. The report included findings from the final phase of the study, establishing risk factors for drinking water quality in Grant,
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Although there is a great deal about our industry's future we can't predict, we can reasonably expect the labor shortage to continue. Any equipment that reduces labor or enables workers to be more productive dese
It’s no secret that crop producers in the upper Midwest faced numerous climatic challenges this past year. Snowstorms well into April led to a wet spring and delayed planting, and as we inched closer to harvest season, the question on everyone’s mind was whether or not the crop had reached
Analysis of nearly 100,000 samples found residues in a third of apples and half of blackberries
Contamination of fresh fruits by the most hazardous pesticides has dramatically increased in Europe over the past decade, according to a nine-year study of government data.
A third of ap
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Researchers at the School of Agriculture Engineering at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in Brazil have investigated the feeding behavi
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It is common for young layer flocks to lay some floor eggs as nesting behavior is established. Typically, the number of floor eggs will dro
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By Jonathan Green on Blueprint For Living
In many of Australia's capital cities, middle-ring suburbs ha
CHIFENG, China, May 27 (Reuters) - Tiny slivers of ear tissue snipped from hours-old piglets offer valuable clues for the team at Best Genetics Group (BGG) as it strives to improve the genetics of China's hog herd to produce cheaper meat for the world's top pork consumer.
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